Elbow Pain

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Conditions We Treat

Elbow Pain & Osteopathy

Osteopathy treatment for elbow pain is an effective way give you pain relief and back doing the things you love. Below you can learn more about common elbow conditions Osteopaths treat.

Tennis Elbow (Also known as Lateral  Epicondylitis) is a condition that causes pain on the
outside of the elbow.
This can occur when the tendons are repetitively exposed to pressure from the
surrounding joints, such as the shoulder, elbow and wrist. The pressure results in the
tendon suffering micro- tears causing symptoms such as pain on the outside of the elbow
and weakened grip.
Contrary to what the name suggests, this injury in not just for those who play racquet
sports such as tennis, squash or badminton. Tennis Elbow commonly very affect those
working in the manual labour sector, such as builders, painters and electricians.
Nonetheless, it can also affect desk workers who do repetitive movements that overexert
tendons on the outside of the wrist.
Osteopathy can help with tennis elbow by using a variety of techniques, from soft tissue
release to shockwave or Ultrasound therapy, dependant on what your Osteopath feels is
best for you, and offer advice to stop the pain from returning.

Golfers Elbow (Also known as Medial epicondylitis) is a condition that causes pain on the
inside of the elbow. This condition involves the same mechanisms as Tennis elbow,
however the movements that causes this pain is slightly different that of Tennis elbow.
Although this condition is less common than tennis elbow, Golfer’s elbow is often
experienced by those play golf, playing an instrument or overuse of the computer.
Osteopathy can help to treat the elbow pain through using a variety of techniques, from
soft tissue release to shockwave or Ultrasound therapy, dependant on what your
Osteopath feels is best for you, and offer advice to stop the pain from returning. 


