Shoulder Pain

handsome man in t shirt feeling pain in shoulder i 2022 12 16 16 42 24 utc
woman athlete hands shoulder pain emergency healt 2022 12 10 02 10 40 utc
Conditions We Treat

Shoulder pain and Osteopathy

Osteopathy treatment for shoulder pain is an effective way get you out of pain and back doing the things you love. Below you can learn more about a common back condition that Osteopaths treat.

Shoulder Impingement also known as swimmer’s shoulder or impingement syndrome is a
common cause of shoulder pain. The pain is caused when the rotator cuff tendon rubs
against the tendon when lifting the arm overhead.
This condition commonly affects athletes who uses there arms overhead repetitively in
sports such as swimming, weight lifting, tennis and badminton. Also, this can also affect
those who work in occupations that require repetitive overhead activities, such as
construction workers. The shoulder pain may be as a result of a single event or repetitive
Osteopathy can help with shoulder impingement by using a variety of techniques, from
rock blading to shockwave or Ultrasound therapy, dependant on what your Osteopath
feels is appropriate for you, and offer advice on how to adapt your movements if needed
stop the pain from returning. 

Frozen Shoulder, also known as adhesive  capsulitis, often presents itself as reduced
movement and stiffness as well as a diffuse pain at the shoulder, lasting between months
and years.
Osteopaths can help with the pain and reduced movement that comes with frozen
shoulder, methods such as shockwave therapy and myofascial release, along with
prescription exercises.

Biceps Tendon Injuries is inflammation or  irritation of the tendon around the long head of
the biceps muscle located at the front of the shoulder. Often the shoulder pain is felt on
exercises such as chest press, or biceps curls. The causes may have been from a single
event or repetitive overuse.
Osteopathy can help with biceps tendon injuries by using a variety of techniques, from soft
tissue release to shockwave or Ultrasound therapy, dependant on what your Osteopath
feels is appropriate for you, and offer advice on how to on movements to avoid in the short
term whilst you recover.


