Hip Pain

mature businessman with painful backache at office 2022 12 16 19 00 07 utc
athletic woman holds her lower back with hands 2023 03 02 19 08 29 utc
Conditions We Treat

Osteopathy for Hip Pain

Osteopathy treatment for hip pain is an effective way get you out of pain and back doing the things you love. Below you can learn more about a common back condition that Osteopaths treat.

A groin strain occurs  when the adductor muscles located on the inside of the thigh
become overexerted and irritated. The common cause of this is playing sports such as
football, running and rugby.

Osteoarthritis of the hip  is degerenation of the cartilage that lines the joints, causing an
aching sensation in the joint. Osteopathy can help you manage and ease the symptoms of
the condition through a variety of techniques including ultrasound therapy, soft tissue
release and joint articulations.

Your Osteopath can use a number of techniques help with Plantar fascitis, techniques
include shockwave, ultrasound therapy or soft tissue release dependant on what your
osteopath feels is appropriate for your individual needs. 

Trochanteric bursitis is a when the bursa on the outside of the hip becomes inflamed. A 
bursa is a fluid filled bag to protect your joints.


